
About Kingsbridge

美国皇桥教育集团成立于2003年,总部设立在美国东南部最大的城市亚特兰大。集团创始人、美籍华人汤晓明先生毕业于中国最高学府北京大学法学院,先后获得经济法法学学士学位和民商法法学硕士学位,在中国工作期间曾经担任中国最大的一家航空公司中国南方航空公司的总裁秘书和董事长秘书。汤先生在美国留学之时又获得了美国顶尖法学院之一乔治城大学法学院(Georgetown Law)的法学硕士学位,对于中美两国的教育有着深厚的了解和体会。

American Kingsbridge Education Group was founded in 2003. Its headquarters is located in Atlanta, the biggest city of southeastern America. Tang Xiaoming, the Chinese-American founder of the group, graduated from the Faculty of Law of Beijing University, Chinese top university, and successively obtained a bachelor’s degree of Economic Law and a master’s degree of Civil and Commercial Law. In China, he worked as executive secretary and chairman secretary of Chinese Southern Airlines, Chinese biggest airplane company. Mr. Tang achieved a master’s degree of Law in Georgetown Law, one of American top law schools when he was studying in America. He has a deep understanding and experience of the functioning of Chinese and American education.


American Kingsbridge Education Group is an overall company specializing in oversea study, oversea learning tour, business visit services and consultancy of immigration. Its operations have reached many places in China and USA. In USA, Boston, New York, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Houston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and some other main cities have its liaison offices while in China, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Changsha, Xiamen, Hangzhou and other cities have its branch offices and agencies, which has formed an all-round service network across China and America.


Kingsbridge Education Group owns a large group of Chinese and American top educational elites. They graduated from Beijing University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of Science and Technology of China, Sun Yat-Sen University and some other famous universities of China and achieved master’s or doctor’s degrees from Columbia University, Georgetown University, the University of Chicago, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Pennsylvania and so on. These educational elites possess different fields of knowledge on which the Chinese people mostly concentrate, like Business, Law, Medical Science, Computer, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering and so on. With the strong educational background and the deep knowledge of American educational system, the experts of Kingsbridge can give an accurate solution to students’ doubts about studying abroad and make a perfect study plan for them!

公司秉承客户至上、精品服务的理念,配合相关的律师事务所、会计事务所、投资理财公司、房地产公司等,竭诚为客户提供专业高效、细致周到、品质一流的服务。从留学到安居乐业,是一条漫长之路,每一个环节都需要精心准备,仔细推敲,任何一个疏忽,都有可能导致前功尽弃、美梦难圆。 然而雄关漫道真如铁、而今迈步从头跃”——皇桥集团,将会与您同行、一路相随、直至伴您成功!

With the faith of Customers first, quality service, accompanied by related lawyers office, accounting firm, investment finance company, real estate company, etc., our company heartedly provides our clients with professional, efficient, meticulous, thoughtful and high quality service. Its a long way from studying abroad to living abroad. Every link should be carefully considered and prepared. Any small mistake can lead to the ultimate failure. Although its difficult, Kingsbridge will accompany you all the way along till the complete success. 

        皇桥教育 KingsBridge Education 2022